New old Law Books
If you're looking to recycle law
books, here are some suggestions depending on your needs:
Donate to Libraries or Schools
- Many libraries, universities, or law schools may accept
donations of gently used law books, especially if they are still relevant.
- Some community centers or public libraries may also appreciate
these as part of their legal resources.
Sell or Give Away Online
- Platforms like eBay, Facebook Marketplace, or Gumtree
in the UK are good places to sell or give away used law books.
- Websites like WeBuyBooks allow you to sell used books easily.
Recycle via Specialized Services
- Contact specialized book recyclers like Webuybooks or World of Books.
- Check with your local council to see if they have
specific book recycling programs.
Repurpose or Recycle Locally
- If the books are outdated and can't be reused, they can
often be recycled as paper. However, you may need to remove any hardcovers
before recycling.
Donate to Charities or Law Aid Organizations
- Many charities or organizations (e.g., Amnesty
International) might accept legal books for their educational or outreach
- Some international charities send books to developing
countries to support legal education.
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