
Showing posts with the label Auto Detailing Services

Auto Detailing Services

  Are you talking about selling the business to another entity?---or are you talking about selling your service to potential customers to detail their cars? Website:   It would be tough to sell a detailing business unless it came with a product line or something to sell. It's extremely hard selling labor.... To customers? Don't do shitty work. Clean the rear view mirror Go after local supercar owners Buy legitimate supplies, claybar, bananna wax. Never put your towels or shamois on the ground. Keep your stuff clean... Nothing is worse than seeing someone roll up In a mobile rig and they're filthy pigs who don't clean their own stuff. Ask for the business... Get the customer to walk around the vehicle with you after you're finished. If they find something you did wrong.... Just quit.... And give her money back....obviously you're not a detail company and maybe you should go work...